Chapter 7 Ordinal Regression

7.1 Ordinal Logistic Regression

  • In many applications, the possible values of the response should be thought of as ordered categories.

  • Examples:

    • Survey ratings of a product: “poor”, “good”, “excellent”.

    • Patient reported scale of pain from 1-10.

    • Different possible responses on a questionnaire.

7.2 Ordinal Regression Details

  • With ordinal regression, only the ranking of the different categories is relevant.

  • Let \(Y_{i}\) represent the ordinal response of interest.

  • Assume \(Y_{i}\) can take an integer value from 1 to C: \(Y_{i} = 1\), or \(Y_{i} = 2\), …, or \(Y_{i} = C\).

    • Although we are assuming \(Y_{i}\) takes numerical values, the ordinal regression analysis would be the same if we assumed that \(Y_{i}\) could take values \(2, 4, 6, ..., 2C\).

  • The most common regression model for ordinal data is an ordinal logistic regression model.

  • The ordinal logistic regression model uses a regression model for the “lesser-than probabilities” \(P( Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i})\).

  • Specifically, \[\begin{equation} P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-\alpha_{c} + \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta})}, \quad c = 1, \ldots, C-1 \end{equation}\]

  • This is equivalent to saying that the log-odds (for the event \(\{Y_{i} \leq c\}\)) is a linear function of the covariates: \[\begin{equation} \log \{ \text{odds}_{c}( \mathbf{x}_{i} ) \} = \log\left( \frac{ P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) }{ 1 - P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) } \right) = \alpha_{c} - \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta} \tag{7.1} \end{equation}\]

  • Note that the ordinal logistic regression model is often expressed using the probabilities \(P(Y_{i} > c|\mathbf{x}_{i})\) instead of \(P( Y_{i} > c|\mathbf{x}_{i})\) where it is assumed that \[\begin{equation} \log\left( \frac{ P(Y_{i} > c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) }{ 1 - P(Y_{i} > c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) } \right) = \alpha_{c} + \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta} \end{equation}\]

  • The regression model (7.1) is often called a proportional odds model.

    • This is because the odds ratio for the probability \(P(Y \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i})\) vs. the probability \(P(Y \leq c|\mathbf{z}_{i})\) does not depend on the value of \(c\).
  • To see the proportional odds property, note that \[\begin{equation} \frac{ \text{odds}_{c}( \mathbf{x}_{i} ) }{ \text{odds}_{c}( \mathbf{z}_{i} ) } = \frac{ \exp( \alpha_{c} - \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta} ) }{ \exp( \alpha_{c} - \mathbf{z}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta} ) } = \exp\left[ (\mathbf{z}_{i}^{T} - \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T})\boldsymbol{\beta} \right] \end{equation}\]

  • The odds ratio only depends on \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) and does not depend on the value of \(\alpha_{c}\).

  • The proportional odds assumption allows the elements of \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) to have an interpretation that does not depend on \(c\).

  • Interpretation: If you have only one covariate \(x_{i}\), then a one-unit increase in \(x_{i}\) leads to an increase of \(\beta\) in the log-odds ratio (for the event \(\{Y_{i}\leq c\}\)): \[\begin{equation} \log\left( \frac{ \text{odds}_{c}( x_{i} + 1 ) }{ \text{odds}_{c}( x_{i} ) } \right) = -\beta \end{equation}\]

  • The model (7.1) uses a logit link function, but it’s possible to choose any other link function.
    • Common alternative choices are the complementary log-log and probit link functions.

7.2.1 Ordinal Logistic Regression in R

  • The polr function in the MASS package let’s you fit ordered logistic or ordered probit regression models.

  • The example dataset in the polr documentation is the housing data

library(MASS)  # load MASS package
head(housing)  # look at first 6 rows
##      Sat   Infl  Type Cont Freq
## 1    Low    Low Tower  Low   21
## 2 Medium    Low Tower  Low   21
## 3   High    Low Tower  Low   28
## 4    Low Medium Tower  Low   34
## 5 Medium Medium Tower  Low   22
## 6   High Medium Tower  Low   36
dim(housing)  # 72 rows and 5 variables
## [1] 72  5

  • The syntax for using polr is similar to other common regression-fitting functions in R such as lm or glm.

  • The main thing to be aware of when using polr is that the response variable should be an ordered factor.

## 'data.frame':    72 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ Sat : Ord.factor w/ 3 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
##  $ Infl: Factor w/ 3 levels "Low","Medium",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 ...
##  $ Type: Factor w/ 4 levels "Tower","Apartment",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ Cont: Factor w/ 2 levels "Low","High": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Freq: int  21 21 28 34 22 36 10 11 36 61 ...
  • The response variable of interest here is Sat which represents householder satisfaction.

    • This has 3 possible responses: “Low”, “Medium”, or “High”.

    • This is a categorical variable with a natural ordering (“Low” is worse than “Medium” which is worse than “High”).

    ##    Low Medium   High 
    ##     24     24     24

  • The categorial variables Sat, Infl, Type, and Cont don’t have the “individual-level” data.

    • Each row just represents one of the 72 possible configurations of these variables.
  • The variable Freq actually tells us how many responses we had for each of the 72 categories.

  • To fit this without using the individual-level data, we can use the values of Freq as weights in an ordinal logistic regression.

  • If we want to fit an ordinal logistic regression with Sat as the response and Infl as a covariate, we can use the following code:
infl.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl, weight=Freq, data = housing)
  • The above R code is going to fit the model \[\begin{equation} \log \left( \frac{ P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) }{1 - P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i})} \right) = \alpha_{c} - \beta_{1}x_{i1} - \beta_{2}x_{i2}, \end{equation}\]
    • \(Y_{i}\) is the satisfaction level with three levels
    • \(x_{i1} = 1\) if influence is medium and \(0\) otherwise
    • \(x_{i2} = 1\) if influence is high and \(0\) otherwise.

  • To see the estimates of these parameters use the summary function:
## Re-fitting to get Hessian
## Call:
## polr(formula = Sat ~ Infl, data = housing, weights = Freq)
## Coefficients:
##             Value Std. Error t value
## InflMedium 0.5636     0.1036   5.441
## InflHigh   1.2487     0.1248  10.006
## Intercepts:
##             Value   Std. Error t value
## Low|Medium  -0.2014  0.0766    -2.6280
## Medium|High  0.9485  0.0802    11.8199
## Residual Deviance: 3543.416 
## AIC: 3551.416
  • The above coefficient estimates tell us that the odds of low satisfaction given Medium influence level vs. the odds of low satisfaction given a Low influence level is \[\begin{equation} \frac{odds_{c}(\text{Medium Influence})}{odds_{c}(\text{Low Influence})} = \exp(-\hat{\beta}_{1}) = \exp(-0.563) \approx 0.57 \end{equation}\]

    • In other words, the odds of having low satisfaction are higher in the low influence group when compared to the high influence group.
  • Similarly, the odds ratio for the high influence group vs. the low influence group is given by \[\begin{equation} \frac{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{High Influence})}{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{Low Influence})} = \exp(-\hat{\beta}_{2}) = \exp(-1.248) \approx 0.29 \end{equation}\]

  • From this, you can get the odds ratio for high vs. medium influence levels \[\begin{equation} \frac{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{High Influence})}{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{Medium Influence})} = \exp(-1.248) \exp(0.563) \approx 0.5 \end{equation}\]

  • The summary output from a polr fit will also give estimates of the “intercept terms” \(\alpha_{c}\).

  • Since there are only 3 possible levels of the response Sat, there should only be two possible values of \(\alpha_{c}\).

  • The estimates \(\hat{\alpha}_{c}\) are given in the Intercepts part of the summary output.

  • The estimate of \(\hat{\alpha}_{1}\) means that the probability that satisfaction is low (i.e., \(Y_{i} \leq 1\)) given low influence is \[\begin{equation} \hat{P}(Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{InflLow}) = 1/[1 + \exp(-\hat{\alpha}_{1})] \approx 0.45 \end{equation}\]

  • Similarly, the estimated probability that satisfaction is low given medium influence is \[\begin{equation} \hat{P}(Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{InflMed}) = 1/[1 + \exp(-\hat{\alpha}_{1} + \hat{\beta}_{1})] \approx 0.31 \end{equation}\]

  • In this case, because we are only looking at a single covariate, we can verify these probability estimates with a direct calculation.

  • The estimate of \(P(Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{InflLow})\) should be equal to the following ratio \[\begin{equation} \hat{P}(Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{InflLow}) = \frac{ N_{satlow, infllow} }{ N_{infllow} } \end{equation}\]

  • This can be computed with the R code

N_ll <- sum(housing$Freq[housing$Sat=="Low" & housing$Infl=="Low"])
N_l <- sum(housing$Freq[housing$Infl=="Low"])
## [1] 0.4497608
  • A direct estimate of \(\hat{P}(Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{InflMed})\) can be computed with the following R code
N_lm <- sum(housing$Freq[housing$Sat=="Low" & housing$Infl=="Medium"])
N_m <- sum(housing$Freq[housing$Infl=="Medium"])
## [1] 0.3125948

7.2.2 The respdis data

  • As another example, let’s look at the respdis data from the geepack package
##   y1 y2 y3 y4 trt
## 1  1  1  1  1   1
## 2  1  1  1  1   0
## 3  1  1  1  1   0
## 4  1  1  1  1   0
## 5  1  1  1  1   0
## 6  1  1  1  1   0
  • This is a longitudinal dataset. For this analysis, we will only look at the outcome at the first visit
respdis_first <- respdis[,c(1,5)]
##   y1 trt
## 1  1   1
## 2  1   0
## 3  1   0
## 4  1   0
## 5  1   0
## 6  1   0
  • The y1 variable represents an ordinal outcome (poor, good, or excellent) at the first visit

  • The outcomes are coded as 1,2,3 in the respdis_first dataset

##  1  2  3 
## 14 63 34

  • Let’s fit an ordered regression model using trt as the only covariate.
    • We need to put ordered(y1) in the model formula since y1 is not stored as a factor in respdis_first
respmod_first <- polr(ordered(y1) ~ trt, data=respdis_first)
  • The above R code is going to fit the model \[\begin{equation} \log \left( \frac{ P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) }{1 - P(Y_{i} \leq c|\mathbf{x}_{i})} \right) = \alpha_{c} - \beta x_{i}, \end{equation}\]
  • \(Y_{i}\) is the response level with three levels
  • \(x_{i} = 1\) if received treatment, \(x_{i} = 0\) if received placebo

  • Let’s look at the summary output from respmod_first:
## Re-fitting to get Hessian
## Call:
## polr(formula = ordered(y1) ~ trt, data = respdis_first)
## Coefficients:
##      Value Std. Error t value
## trt 0.4467     0.3743   1.194
## Intercepts:
##     Value   Std. Error t value
## 1|2 -1.7302  0.3300    -5.2429
## 2|3  1.0512  0.2885     3.6439
## Residual Deviance: 208.3581 
## AIC: 214.3581
  • The estimate of \(\hat{\beta}\) implies that: \[\begin{equation} \frac{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{Treatment})}{\text{odds}_{c}(\text{Placebo})} = \exp(-\hat{\beta}) = \exp(-0.447) \approx 0.64 \end{equation}\]

  • In this context, having a low odds of \(Y_{i} \leq c\) (for c=1,2) is good.

  • Hence, the above odds ratio suggests a benefit of treatment vs. placebo.

  • Using the estimates of \(\alpha_{1}\) and \(\alpha_{2}\), you can get estimates of \(Y_{i} \leq c\) for the treatment and placebo groups: \[\begin{eqnarray} \hat{P}( Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{treatment} ) &=& \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp(-\hat{\alpha}_{1} + \hat{\beta})} = \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp(1.73 + 0.45 )} \approx 0.10 \nonumber \\ \hat{P}( Y_{i} \leq 1| \text{placebo} ) &=& \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp(-\hat{\alpha}_{1})} = \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp(1.73)} \approx 0.15 \end{eqnarray}\]

7.3 Generalized Estimating Equations

  • With longitudinal data, you can fit random effects ordinal regression models with the repolr package.

  • A GEE approach for ordinal outcomes can be done with the ordgee function from the geepack package.

  • For longitudinal data, let \(Y_{ij}\) be the ordinal response for individual \(i\) at time \(t_{ij}\).

  • The GEE approach described in (Heagerty and Zeger (1996)) assumes the “mean part” of the model has the form \[\begin{equation} P(Y_{ij} > c|\mathbf{x}_{i}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-\alpha_{c} - \mathbf{x}_{i}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta})} \end{equation}\]

  • The above equation handles the marginal distribution of \(Y_{ij}\) at a specific time point.

  • For a GEE, the only remaining part is how to handle the “correlation” structure between observations from individual \(i\).

  • Setting up a “correlation” structure for ordinal outcomes is not that straightforward. The approach described below is that described in ( Heagerty and Zeger (1996) ).

    • You don’t want to work with the usual definition of correlation because we are not treating these outcomes as numeric outcomes.

    • Instead the dependence is expressed through different joint probabilities.

  • The dependence between ordinal outcomes \(Y_{ij}\) and \(Y_{ik}\) is measured by the “marginal odds ratios” \[\begin{equation} \psi_{i(j,k)(c_{1},c_{2})} = \frac{P(Y_{ij} > c_{1}, Y_{ik} > c_{2}|\mathbf{x}_{ij},\mathbf{x}_{ij}) P(Y_{ij} \leq c_{1}, Y_{ik} \leq c_{2}|\mathbf{x}_{ij},\mathbf{x}_{ij})}{P(Y_{ij} > c_{1}, Y_{ik} \leq c_{2}|\mathbf{x}_{ij},\mathbf{x}_{ij}) P(Y_{ij} \leq c_{1}, Y_{ik} > c_{2}|\mathbf{x}_{ij},\mathbf{x}_{ij})} \end{equation}\]

  • If \(Y_{ij}\) and \(Y_{ik}\) have high dependence, then \(\psi_{i(j,k)(c_{1},c_{2})}\) should be large.

  • The “exchangeable” correlation structure assumes that the odds-ratio parameter is constant \[\begin{equation} \log\left( \psi_{i(j,k)(c_{1},c_{2})} \right) = \alpha \end{equation}\] for all \((j,k)\) and \((c_{1}, c_{2})\).

  • The “independent” correlation structure assumes that \(\alpha = 0\) since \(\psi_{i(j,k)(c_{1},c_{2})} = 1\) if we assume that \(Y_{ij}\) and \(Y_{ik}\) are independent.

7.3.1 Using geepack and ordgee

  • The ordgee function from the geepack package allows you to fit a GEE with ordinal responses.

  • To show how to use ordgee, we can look at the respdis dataset from the geepack package

resp.l <- reshape(respdis, varying =list(c("y1", "y2", "y3", "y4")),
                  v.names = "resp", direction = "long")
resp.l <- resp.l[order(resp.l$id, resp.l$time),]
##     trt time resp id
## 1.1   1    1    1  1
## 1.2   1    2    1  1
## 1.3   1    3    1  1
## 1.4   1    4    1  1
## 2.1   0    1    1  2
## 2.2   0    2    1  2
  • The response of interest here is the variable resp which has 3 possible values:
##   1   2   3 
##  80 212 152

  • The syntax for ordgee is basically the same as geeglm.
    • Just make sure the response is an ordered factor.

    • The main available correlation structures are “independence” and “exchangeable”.

## Fit GEE with just trt as a covariate
fit.indep <- ordgee(ordered(resp) ~ trt, id=id, corstr="independence",
## Call:
## ordgee(formula = ordered(resp) ~ trt, id = id, data = resp.l, 
##     corstr = "independence")
## Mean Model:
##  Mean Link:                 logit 
##  Variance to Mean Relation: binomial 
##  Coefficients:
##          estimate      wald            p
## Inter:1  1.139907 0.2365456 23.222502 1.442990e-06
## Inter:2 -1.139907 0.2417271 22.237619 2.409072e-06
## trt      0.976700 0.3161920  9.541586 2.008680e-03
## Scale is fixed.
## Correlation Model:
##  Correlation Structure:     independence 
## Returned Error Value:    0 
## Number of clusters:   111   Maximum cluster size: 4
  • The terms Inter:1, Inter:2 in the summary output represent the estimates of the intercept parameters \(\alpha_{1}\) and \(\alpha_{2}\).

  • The estimate of the trt regression coefficient implies that the odds ratio (between trt = 1 and trt = 0) for having a positive outcome is roughly \(2.6\) \[\begin{equation} \frac{\text{odds}_{Y_{i} > c}(trt=1) }{\text{odds}_{Y_{i} > c}(trt=0) } = \exp(0.97) \approx 2.65 \end{equation}\]

  • To fit the same model with an exchangeable correlation structure, just use the corstr = exchangeable argument:
## Fit GEE with just trt as a covariate
fit.ex <- ordgee(ordered(resp) ~ trt, id=id, corstr="exchangeable",
## Call:
## ordgee(formula = ordered(resp) ~ trt, id = id, data = resp.l, 
##     corstr = "exchangeable")
## Mean Model:
##  Mean Link:                 logit 
##  Variance to Mean Relation: binomial 
##  Coefficients:
##          estimate      wald            p
## Inter:1  1.140030 0.2369495 23.148392 1.499686e-06
## Inter:2 -1.140030 0.2421280 22.168817 2.496965e-06
## trt      1.012671 0.3357436  9.097488 2.559608e-03
## Scale is fixed.
## Correlation Model:
##  Correlation Structure:     exchangeable 
##  Correlation Link:          log 
##  Estimated Correlation Parameters:
##       estimate     wald p
## alpha 2.456858 0.2752256 79.68609 0
## Returned Error Value:    0 
## Number of clusters:   111   Maximum cluster size: 4

7.4 Penalized Regression with Ordinal Outcomes

  • The ordinalgmifs package fits L1-penalized regression with ordinal outcomes.
    • ordinalNet is another package that performs penalized regression for ordinal outcomes.
  • To use ordinalgmifs, we will use the eyedisease dataset in the package.
## Loading required package: survival
##  [1] "rme"  "lme"  "rre"  "lre"  "riop" "liop" "age"  "diab" "gh"   "sbp" 
## [11] "dbp"  "bmi"  "pr"   "sex"  "prot" "dose" "rerl" "lerl" "id"
  • A variable of interest is rerl.
    • This is right eye severity of retinopathy.

    • This is an ordered factor with levels “None”, “Mild”, “Moderate”, and “Proliferative”.

table( eyedisease$rerl )
##          None          Mild      Moderate Proliferative 
##           275           270           128            47

  • To fit a penalized ordinal regression where we can penalize all variables, use the following code:
## Fit ordinal logistic regression with covariates 
## dose, prot, sex, bmi, dbp, sbp, pr, age <- ordinalgmifs(rerl ~ 1, x=c("dose", "prot", "sex", 
                        "bmi", "dbp", "sbp", "pr", "age"), data=eyedisease)
  • If we look at a summary of it will display the best regression coefficient estimates according to an AIC criterion:
## Cumulative model using a  logit  link 
## at step    =  1339 
## logLik     =  -813.1043 
## AIC        =  10358.21 
## BIC        =  22327.05
## (Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 (Intercept):3          dose          prot 
##    -0.5779889     1.2531085     2.9824752     0.1080000    -0.2960000 
##           sex           bmi           dbp           sbp            pr 
##     0.0000000    -0.1410000    -0.2350000    -0.4370000    -0.0720000 
##           age 
##     0.0500000
  • According to AIC, all variables are selected except for sex.

  • To get the “full path” of coefficient solutions, look at the beta component of

  •$beta is a 1453 x 8 matrix.

    • Row \(k\) of$beta has the value of the regression coefficients at step \(k\)

    • Row \(k\) of$alpha has the value of the intercept coefficient at step \(k\)

## [1] 1453    8
## Look at an "early" row of$beta
## Most of the coefficients here should be zero$beta[10,]
##  dose  prot   sex   bmi   dbp   sbp    pr   age 
##  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 -0.01  0.00  0.00
  • If we look at a later row, we should have more non-zero coefficients$beta[800,]
##   dose   prot    sex    bmi    dbp    sbp     pr    age 
##  0.000 -0.202  0.000 -0.022 -0.188 -0.388  0.000  0.000
  • The component gives the row index of the selected model$ 
## [1] 1339$beta[$,]
##   dose   prot    sex    bmi    dbp    sbp     pr    age 
##  0.108 -0.296  0.000 -0.141 -0.235 -0.437 -0.072  0.050

  • You can plot the “lasso path” for the regression coefficient estimates:
plot( )


Heagerty, Patrick J, and Scott L Zeger. 1996. “Marginal Regression Models for Clustered Ordinal Measurements.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 91 (435): 1024–36.