Chapter 3 Functions in R

  • A function in R can be thought of as a sequence of statements that takes some input, uses that input to compute something, and then returns a result.

  • Why do we need functions?

    • To modularize a task so that we can reuse the same code in many places.

    • To increase readability of code.

    • To reduce redundancy and reduce the number of errors.

3.1 Built-in R functions

  • base R has many useful built-in functions that you can use.

    • Other R packages are another source of useful functions.
  • R’s base package is loaded by default.

    • A few other packages including graphics, stats, and *utils are usually loaded by default as well.
  • The base package includes many widely-used functions, such as the []print() or the sum() function.

  • There are many other R packages available which contain many useful functions.

3.2 Construction your own R functions

  • You can write your own functions as needed.

  • While base R and the many available R packages have a wide range of useful functions, being able to write your own functions gives you much greater flexibility when working with R.

3.2.1 Function Definition Syntax

  • There are three key components of a function definition in R.
    • Function name: the name which will be used to call the function

    • Function arguments: values to pass to a function as input.

    • Return value: the value returned by a function as output.

  • The general syntax for writing your own R function is:
function_name <- function(params){ 
     ## function_name is the name of the function 
     ## params name of the input variable within this function 
     statement1  ## statements executed when the function is called
     statement2  ## statements convert params into some value to be 
      ...        ## returned
     return(return_value)  ## return the variable return_value

3.2.2 Example 1

  • Let’s write a function that takes a number as an input and returns the square of that number.
## define a new function named square
square <- function(x) { ## function name: square, argument : x
   return(x*x)           ## returns x*x
  • Once we have defined square, we can use it as many times as we would like.

  • After defining the function, each time the function is used is referred to as calling the function.

  • Let’s try calling square with an input number of 10:

square(10)    ## example of using the function square
## [1] 100

3.2.3 Example 2

Let’s write another function that takes a single number (assumed to be an integer) as input and outputs another number according to the following rule: + if the input number is positive and even, return the number 2 + if the input number if positive and odd, return the number 1 + if the input number is not positive and even, return the number -2 + if the input number if not positive and odd, return the number -1

PositiveEven  <- function(x) { 
   if( x > 0 & x%%2==0 ) {
       return_value <- 2
   } else if( x > 0 & x%%2==1 ){
       return_value <- 1
   } else if( x <= 0 & x%%2==0) {
       return_value <- -2
   } else {
       return_value <- -1
   return( return_value )
  • Now, let’s look at a few examples of calling PositiveEven:
## [1] 1
## [1] -2
## [1] -2
## [1] 2

  • We could make our function PositiveEven a bit more user-friendly by having our function throw an error whenever the user inputs a number that is not an integer.
PositiveEvenSafe <- function(x) { # Function named PositiveEvenSafe
   if( x%%1 != 0) { # x%%1 will equal 0 if x is an integer 
       stop("x must be an integer")  
       # The stop function will stop the execution 
       # of the function and will return an error
   if( x > 0 & x%%2==0 ) {
       return_value <- 2
   } else if( x > 0 & x%%2==1 ){
       return_value <- 1
   } else if( x <= 0 & x%%2==0) {
       return_value <- -2
   } else {
       return_value <- -1
   return( return_value )
  • Now, let’s see what happens if we call the function PositiveEvenSafe with the argument x = 2 and then x = 7.1
## [1] 2
Error in PositiveEvenSafe(7.1) : x must be an integer

3.2.4 Rules for choosing function names

  • All the same rules for variable names apply to rules for choosing function names.

  • Examples of valid and invalid function names include:

Valid_Function_Names Invalid_Function_Names
i 2things
my_function location@
.name .3rd

  • Another rule to keep in mind is that you cannot use a reserved word as a function name or variable name.

  • You can use built-in function names (for example, the print function) for your own functions, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED.

  • The following are the reserved words in R:

if else while function for

in next break TRUE FALSE

NULL Inf NA NA_integer

NA_real NA_complex NA_character

  • You can find the list of reserved words in R by typing

directly in the R console

3.3 Default argument values in functions

  • We can provide default values for function parameters/arguments

    • by adding = default_value after the parameter
  • If an argument is specified in the function call, the specified one is used

    • Otherwise; the default argument value is used
  • In the function definition, it is generally better (though not required) to put parameters without default arguments before those with default arguments.

    • When calling a function, arguments must be specified for every parameter without default arguments.

    • Unlike Python, in R you can mix arguments with/without default arguments in an arbitrary order (though I don’t recommend it).

3.3.1 Example 1

  • As an example, let’s write a function that adds 3 numbers and, as a default, sets one of these numbers to zero:
add3 <- function(x, y, z=0) {
    return(x + y + z)
  • The default value for z here is \(0\).
add3(1, 2)     ## omit z
## [1] 3
add3(1, 2, 0)  ## this should give the same as add3(1,2)
## [1] 3
add3(1, 2, 3)  ## set z to 3 instead of 0
## [1] 6

3.4 Specifying function arguments with keywords

  • We can specify how arguments are passed to parameters not only by their order but by names with keyword arguments.

  • Keyword arguments: have to do with how you call a function - not with the function definition itself.

  • For example, we could call our function add3 with keywords in the following way:

add3(2, 2, 1)      # Call function using original positions
## [1] 5
add3(x=2, y=2, z=1) # Call function using keywords
## [1] 5
add3(y=2, x=2, z=1) # With keywords, position does not matter
## [1] 5

3.4.1 Example 1

  • The function foo below has parameters x, y,, z, w.
    • The default value of z is \(0\), and the default value of w is TRUE.
foo <- function (x, y, z=0, w=TRUE) { 
    if(w) {
       1000*x + 100*y + 10*z  ## this is equivalent to return(...)
    } else {
       1000*x - 100*y + 10*z
  • Let’s try calling foo using the original position of the arguments in the function definition.
foo(9, 3, 5,TRUE) ## specify all arguments
## [1] 9350
foo(9, 3, 5)      ## omit argument w
## [1] 9350
foo(9, 3)       ## omit both z and w
## [1] 9300
  • Now, let’s try calling foo using keyword arguments and change the orders of x and y.
## foo(9)      ## this will cause error because y is unknown
foo(x=9, y=5)   ## specify x and y as keyword arguments
## [1] 9500
  • We can even switch the positions of x and y when using keyword arguments
foo(y=5, x=9)  ## when using keywords, argument order doesn't matter
## [1] 9500
  • You can even mix which arguments you specify as positional and keyword:
foo(9, y=5)     ## specify x as positional, y as keyword argument
## [1] 9500
foo(9, z=3, y=5)  ## y,z are keyword arguments, x is positional
## [1] 9530

3.5 More Examples of Writing Functions

3.5.1 Example 1: Pass/Fail from a Weighted Average

  • Let’s write an R function called WeightedGrade that computes a weighted average of a collection of test scores and outputs whether or not a student has “passed” or “failed” the course - using two possible criteria for choosing Pass/Fail.

  • We would like the R function to have the following structure

WeightedGrade <- function(grades, weights, scheme="A") { 
  • Function Input: We want the inputs grades and weights to be both numeric vectors of the same length.

    • From grades and weights the weighted grade average, is the sum of elements in grades multiplied by the elements in weights divided by the sum of weights.

    • All the elements of both grades and weights should be greater than or equal to \(0\) and less than or equal to \(100\).

  • Function Output: If the sum of weights equals \(100\) and scheme=="A", the function should return a character vector using the following rule:
    • "Pass" if the weighted grade average using grades and weights is greater than \(60\) and return "Fail" if the weighted grade average is less than or equal to \(60\).
  • If the sum of weights equals \(100\) and scheme=="B", the function should return a character vector using the following rule:
    • "Pass" if the weighted grade average using grades and weights is greater than \(80\) and return "Fail" if the weighted grade average is less than or equal to \(80\).
  • If the sum of weights does not equal \(100\), the function should return the value NA.

  • Here is one way to write the function so that it satisfies the above description:
WeightedGrade <- function(grades, weights, scheme="A") {
    if(sum(weights) != 100) {
        ## if sum(weights)!=100, return NA
        ans <- NA
    } else if(scheme=="A") {
        ## if sum(weights)==100 and scheme is A, use the 
        ## following Pass/Fail rule
        weighted_avg <- sum(weights*grades)/sum(weights)
        if(weighted_avg > 60) {
            ans <- "Pass"
        } else {
            ans <- "Fail"
    } else {
        ## if sum(weights)==100 and scheme is not A, use the 
        ## following Pass/Fail rule
        weighted_avg <- sum(weights*grades)/sum(weights)
        if(weighted_avg > 80) {
           ans <- "Pass"
        } else {
           ans <- "Fail"

  • Now, let’s test out our function by doing a few example runs:
WeightedGrade(grades=c(60, 75, 80), weights=c(10, 40, 50), scheme="B")
## [1] "Fail"
WeightedGrade(grades=c(60, 75, 80), weights=c(10, 40, 50), scheme="A")
## [1] "Pass"
## Note that scheme is a default argument
WeightedGrade(grades=c(60, 75, 80), weights=c(10, 40, 50) ) 
## [1] "Pass"
WeightedGrade(grades=c(60, 75, 80), weights=c(10, 30, 40) )
## [1] NA
WeightedGrade(grades=c(90, 95, 80, 86), weights=c(10, 10, 40, 40), scheme="B" )
## [1] "Pass"

3.6 Exercises

  1. Suppose we define the function quiz as
quiz <- function(bool_var1, x=0, bool_var2 = TRUE) {
    y <- 0
    if(bool_var1 & bool_var2) {
        y <- x + 2
    } else {
        if(bool_var1) {
            y <- x - 2

What value does the following function call return?

quiz(FALSE, 1.3)
  1. Write an R function that implements the following mathematical function in R
\[\begin{equation} L(x, y) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } x = 0 \text{ and } y = 0 \nonumber \\ 1 & \text{ if } x \neq 0 \text{ and } y = 0 \nonumber \\ |x| & \text{ if } y = 1 \nonumber \\ x^{2} & \text{ if } y = 2 \nonumber \end{cases} \end{equation}\]

The function should have user-provided arguments x and y and should return NA if y does not equal either \(0\), \(1\), or \(2\)

  1. Write an R function called PropGtZero which returns the proportion of three entered numbers which are greater than \(0\). The function should have the following function definition
PropGtZero <- function(x, y, z, gt=TRUE) {
  • If gt=TRUE, then PropGtZero should return the proportion of the numbers x, y, z which are greater than \(0\).

  • If gt=FALSE, then PropGtZero should return the proportion of the numbers x, y, z which are lesser than or equal to \(0\).

  • If one or more of x, y, z, is NA, the function should return NA.

  • For example, PropGtZero(3,2,-2) should return \(2/3\).