Chapter 8 Data Frames

Dimension Homogeneous Heterogeneous
1-Dimension Atomic Vector List
2-Dimension Matrix Data Frame
>2-Dimensions Multi-dimensional array
  • Data Frames are the most common tool for storing “rectangular” datasets (data stored as a table in rows and columns) in R.
    • Each row holds an observation.
    • Each column holds a variable.
  • Roughly speaking, a data frame can be thought of as a matrix where different columns can hold different types of data.
    • The elements in the same column of a data frame should have the same type.
  • More technically, a data frame is actually a .red[list of vectors] that all have the same length. Number of variables = number of elements in list.

  • Let’s first look at one of R’s built-in datasets to see an example of a data frame.

  • R has many built-in datasets that are stored as data frames.

  • Type in library(help = "datasets") to see the full list of built-in datasets.

  • One of the built-in datasets is the PlantGrowth dataset.

  • You can load this dataset into your R session by typing in

  • Check that PlantGrowth is a data frame by using
## [1] "data.frame"

  • You can display the first few rows of the PlantGrowth data by using head():
head( PlantGrowth )
##   weight group
## 1   4.17  ctrl
## 2   5.58  ctrl
## 3   5.18  ctrl
## 4   6.11  ctrl
## 5   4.50  ctrl
## 6   4.61  ctrl
  • This dataset has 30 observations and 2 variables.
    • This can be seen by applying dim() to the data frame:
dim( PlantGrowth )
## [1] 30  2

8.1 Creating Data Frames

  • The main way to create a data frame in R is to use the function data.frame.

  • To create a data frame with 5 observations and two variables named x and y:

# x and y have to be the same length
df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3,4,5), y=c(1,4,9,16,25))
##   x  y
## 1 1  1
## 2 2  4
## 3 3  9
## 4 4 16
## 5 5 25
  • Converting a data frame to a matrix
df.mat <- as.matrix(df) ## How a Data Frame looks like  
##   x  y
## 1 1  1
## 2 2  4
## 3 3  9
## 4 4 16
## 5 5 25
df.mat  ## How a matrix looks like
##      x  y
## [1,] 1  1
## [2,] 2  4
## [3,] 3  9
## [4,] 4 16
## [5,] 5 25
  • You can use to convert a matrix into a data frame.
X <- matrix(1:6,3,2) 
colnames(X) <- c("a","b")
X.df <-
##      a b
## [1,] 1 4
## [2,] 2 5
## [3,] 3 6
##   a b
## 1 1 4
## 2 2 5
## 3 3 6
  • Remember that a data frame can take heterogeneous data types.
df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),y=c("a","a","bc"))
colnames(X) <- c("a","b")
X.df <-
##      a b
## [1,] 1 4
## [2,] 2 5
## [3,] 3 6
##   a b
## 1 1 4
## 2 2 5
## 3 3 6

8.2 Accessing and Modifying Data Frames

  • One way to access the individual elements of a data frame is by specifying the row/column index.
    • This is done in exactly the same way as with a matrix.
df[,1]   ## access a column just like a matrix
## [1] 1 2 3
df[1:2,] ## access rows like matrix
##   x y
## 1 1 a
## 2 2 a
df[2, 1] ## access individual elements
## [1] 2
  • You can access the data from a specific variable by name using the syntax: df_name$var_name.
df$y   ## access a column by name
## [1] "a"  "a"  "bc"
       ## what happens if we omit a comma?
df[1]  ## (Remember that df is actually list)
##   x
## 1 1
## 2 2
## 3 3
  • Differences in element access between matrices and data frames:
df.mat <- as.matrix(df) 
df[2] #df[10] will not work
##    y
## 1  a
## 2  a
## 3 bc
## [1] "2"
## [1] NA
  • Modifying data frames:
df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),y=c("a","a","bc")) 
df$z = c("def","123","123") ## adding a new column
##   x  y   z
## 1 1  a def
## 2 2  a 123
## 3 3 bc 123
df2 <- data.frame(w=c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE))
cbind(df,df2)  # combine columns
##   x  y   z     w
## 1 1  a def  TRUE
## 2 2  a 123 FALSE
## 3 3 bc 123 FALSE
  • Adding new rows to a data frame:
df3 <- data.frame(x=4,y="a",z="def") 
##   x  y   z
## 1 1  a def
## 2 2  a 123
## 3 3 bc 123
## 4 4  a def

8.3 Subsetting data frames

##   x  y   z
## 1 1  a def
## 2 2  a 123
## 3 3 bc 123
subset(df, x>1)
##   x  y   z
## 2 2  a 123
## 3 3 bc 123
subset(df, x>1 & y =="a")  
##   x y   z
## 2 2 a 123

8.4 Exercises

  1. For this exercise, you will use the Loblolly dataset which is a built-in R dataset. You can load the Loblolly data frame and look at the first few rows with the following commands:
  • In Loblolly, each different value of the variable Seed variable corresponds to a different tree.
    • How many rows are in the Loblolly data frame?
    • What is the mean and standard deviation of the age variable in Loblolly?
    • How many of the values in the variable height are greater than \(50\) feet?
    • What is the correlation between the height and age variables? (For this part, you can use the cor function)
    • Add a variable called Seed.first to the Loblolly data frame. This variable should equal \(1\) at the first occurrence of a value of Seed and equal \(0\) if the value of Seed is already in a previous row of Loblolly.
    • How many different trees (i.e., unique values of the Seed variable) are there in this data frame?
    • Add another variable called obs.num to the Loblolly data frame. This variable should equal \(1\) the first time a value of Seed occurs, should equal \(2\) the second time a value of Seed occurs, etc. …
    • Add another variable to Loblolly called height.change which measures the change in height from the earliest age of the tree to the latest age of the tree. After completing steps (a)-(h), the first 8 rows your modified Loblolly data frame should look like the following …
    • Compute a vector which contains the “within-tree” correlations between height and age. The \(k^{th}\) element of this vector should contain the correlation between the height and age values from the \(k^{th}\) tree.
  1. Create a data frame with the following variables:
    • x a numeric variable equal to 1:12
    • y a numeric variable equal to x^2
    • z a character variable with elements: “a”, “b”, “c”, “a”, “b”, “c”, ….
    • Compute the mean of y only for those observations where z == “a”.
    • Compute the mean of x only for those observations where both x > 5 and z==a.
    • Change the 10th element of the z variable to “d”.
    • Create a subset of this data frame for observations where x is even.