daarem An R package implementing the “DAAREM”” method for accelerating the convergence of slow, monotone sequences from smooth, fixed-point iterations such as the EM algorithm
AFTrees An R package for analysis of heterogeneous treatment effects that utilizes nonparametric AFT models that have additive tree structures for the regression function.
rvalues An R package for computing “r-values” for ranking a large collection of units. Each unit is assumed to have an effect size estimate and an associated standard error.
DelayedSurvFit An R package for conducting survival comparisons of two treatments when one suspects a delayed treatment effect.
shrinkcbp An R package that computes the “compromise best predictor” (CBP). The CBP can be thought of as a collection of robust shrinkage estimates of small domain parameters and is an alternative to more traditional mixed model-based BLUPs.
pxlogistic An R package that implements an accelerated EM algorithm for logistic regression and penalized logistic regression with user-provided regression weights.
rmstbart An R package implementing a generalized Bayes approach for adapting BART to perform inference on a function which relates the restricted mean survival times with a collection of individual-level covariates.